Ain't no sunshine when you're gone!
You are a thing not given much thought, a minuscule event that bothered a not-so important day, an unexpected reply from a meaningless chatter.
Conventional thinking led to wishfulness, and you began to mean a little bit more.
You were an anticipated text in the middle of the night, a boisterous laugh that pleaded to be heard, a movie that had to be seen, a clammy hand to hold.
A minute before I met you, I thought I saw the horizons completely. What was expected, what was bound to happen! But, as you are yourself, you came into my life too loud to control.
I fancy you as unreasonably beautiful. Your mind, your voice, your laughter , your sadness.
And isn’t that astonishing?
Just a few months ago, you were just a wisp of a person to me. Your relevance to my life was close to nonexistent.
Sometimes the memories are so vivid, although it was a long time ago. And at other times it feels like just yesterday, and everything seems very familiar. Maybe our paths have diverged, but the shape of the alliance that evolved remains distinct.
We always give names and shapes to things we start caring about. I think of us as a malleable iron rod — joined at the ends, fortified with metal, never too far, and yet never too near.
When everything is in the shape of a heart or circle or something so clear, how we became a two sides, two spokes, two lives and one entity is still an enigma to me. Yet we never questioned this unique shape we chose, because rods mold themselves to every geometric pattern in the spectrum.
And so this rod — became most familiar to me. Sometimes speaking with you was like holding a mirror, and at other times I could hear your echoes from the other side of the valley. You perfused yellow light with pink and red as we walked downhill to reach the end of the rainbow we hopelessly believed in.
Just the two of us. We didn't meet to repeat the same actions time and again, and we weren't warned that we wouldn't get a second chance, because we assumed we always would. Maybe that is why we truly absorbed every moment that trickled through the golden sieves through which good times poured upon us. In a way, we never thought of the future, and that’s why we retain priceless treasures that only we can understand.
We were wrought unbreakable; we honored what we had, and we honor the memories that survive. Now that we know what too good to be true feels like, we have a come a long way, embracing even more beautiful moments with unceasing faith, so similar to the sort we had in each other.
None of us ever said goodbye, for in our hearts we believed in repeated second times.
The gold at the end of the rod was just a mirage, because the shape changed. Malleable, remember? We never questioned we’d stay or leave, and that’s why we smile at the unsaid promises we broke. As the ends of the rod slowly diverged, we started resembling an oblique, so evenly spread across — a path with a forward direction but no U-turn.
We, as this malleable iron rod, conquered unfamiliar places and learned to understand ourselves and each other because of the secrets stored within. We never questioned things that occurred around us, but we learned to find answers when our shape changed. And people keep wanting memories to be repeated in an unfamiliar way every time, but malleable iron triangle, only one time with you was sufficient.
Malleable iron rod — you may have become shapeless, but you’ll never erase your mark. For me, no matter how much you mould and bend and wrong in your life, I will always be that part of you. Even though the metal has melted and been abused, it has bought the two ends of the rod together in the most submissive yet dominating form. With every passing moment, this ache increases and kills within me all the baggage of memories and stories that we wrote.
You played my soul. It’s funny how much hatred reflected in your want to change form and loose our identity if being one distinctive iron rod. I was there seeing you castrate the strings of our own soul and I stood there, dumbfounded. Alongside with the fire that you chose to melt in, willingly; I burnt my conscience too. And now, at this very moment after all the ghastly dirt that you put between us, the remains of the burns still rest in that fire and decays, with or without you.
And in spite of everything said and done, all what is left, is the fact that you still are my person. And you will always be my person.
You WILL BE LOVED because we are the meant BESTIES!!!
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