Lost in Reality! #1

Reality.. We have all been there - it comes in all forms -the small twinge of accepting a lie, a bit of soreness when things fall apart, the random sting of the implied taunt, the normal excruciating pain of denying the voices in your own head. And then there's the kind of reality you can't miss; so severe that it makes the rest of the world die away, until all you can think about is how much you hurt. It obstructs everything. How we ‘man-handle’ our stripped actuality is up to us. We abuse it,
cherish it, blow it, embrace it, ignore it, and for a few of us to heal is just by pushing through.

Like the other day when I got dressed and went out to meet a dear old friend, she said I looked pale and anemic. Even though I was absolutely fine, I could not understand why she would say that. After passing through the second cup of coffee, she finally told me that Maybe it’s the missing kohl in my eyes that made me look ailing.

But that got me thinking. Isn't our everyday getting ready ritual just like how one would envision reality? No... I’m not on a rave of randomness. But it’s true. Perception is each to its own. But how naked and vulnerable do we feel without having that outlook in our head.

Take a note of the following pictures.

The Raw Photo

The Edited photo

The editing made it much easier for me to make my point come through.

The thing about reality is that it’s like the first developed shot as it is clicked on the
camera – untouched, raw, exposed and honest. It right out there in your camera gallery. But you don’t delete it anyway, and you reconnect to the Master Of the Game: photoshop / picasa / Illustrator.

Then you come to make changes to the picture and start to edit it. Saturation, color contrast, brightness, exposure, re-sizes Add effect and finally, SAVE. We look at it n a state of wonderment and adore the final outcome making a mental note of counting the n number of likes the image would get you on

Now, the reality is right out there, stark naked in the open, like the raw shot of the picture. But its on our mental state if we discard it or accept it or keep it stored for further changes or may be reveal it much later.

When we edit it, we make changes to the truth adding our own shades of logic and interpretations and strategize. – ‘he’s just a little too occupied to call’, ‘the fit sucks, it’s not like Levis ‘,’ my team mates are jealous of me’.

When we save it, we reassure ourselves, because that’s what we are taught since childhood. Say the lie. And then repeat it. Again and again and again. Keep telling yourself the same thing over and over again. Eventually you will start believing it. ‘I am too busy to have time for him,’ ‘the material is not stretchable,’ ‘I am the best worker in my team’.

When we discard it, we don’t accept the realities because they are a little difficult to digest – ‘he’s just not that into you’, ‘you are a size 32, not 30,’ ‘you are a lazy-ass worker.’

And when we upload the final edit, we put it out for the world to see our platter of carefully woven and manipulated realities. We clothe the stark naked truth and make it walk the runway of life with faux fur and kinky stilettos, wishfully thinking that the audiences (read people) are satisfied and entertained enough to applaud.


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